
“It’s a Long Game”

(Adapted from a post to our private Instagram group from December, 2022. Session families, join to read them all…occasionally, I share an older favorite here.) I use this phrase often to mean that the things we need/want/hope for our children to learn/do/internalize develop–eventually, with our continued commitment to them (both to the things and to …

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A Shoe Challenge

(Adapted from a post to our private Instagram group from May, 2023. Session families can join to read them all, and I occasionally share a favorite here.) This morning, a child walked into the entryway, sat down in the shoe chair, took off her own shoes, set them on the bench, and excitedly walked to …

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Cats and Montessori

Montessori philosophy focuses on using realistic images as part of toys and activities for babies, toddlers, and young preschoolers. Today, I’m diving deeper into why. The answer goes back to the concept of the absorbent mind, which is the cornerstone of Montessori early childhood education. Montessori separated planes of human development in six-year increments, from …

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On Holding Space

(repost from November, 2023…timely with “fall back” coming in a couple of weeks, but this concept fits into any season.) The time change threw us all for a loop last week (I *think* I have finally adjusted): cue lots of conversations about why again can’t we just get rid of it? (really, why?), and the …

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Honor Your Pace

Honor your (child’s) pace…as (s)he: walks along the sidewalk, delights in something delightful, asks to read the same book (again), sloshes pancake batter out of the bowl while stirring.